Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Sound Observations #1

Walking across the stretch of grass in front of the library lets you soak in a lot of the campus sound without being surrounded by a crowd of bikes and bodies.
I can hear the steps of the students. Everyone's voices mostly congeal together into a murmur, but every once in a while I hear someone bark out a laugh that carries clearly. I can hear the people behind me talking about how many math assignments they have left. One of them is on a skateboard. I can hear the wheels sliding along the cement and bumping across the cracks.
I can hear the clicking of bike chains too. Most of them are steady, but some of them slow down while their drivers touch on the brakes, trying their best not to run into someone.
When I get closer to the sidewalk again, I can hear people stepping off the cement and onto the grass. Their steps move from hard to soft, the grass making a shhh sound against the rubber of their shoes or the skin of their bare feet.
I can hear the doors to buildings opening too. Students shove their hands against the metal and it makes a sound close to a crash before going quiet and then slamming closed again.

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